Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day

A parent had the great idea we should watch President Trump's inauguration at school, so Mr. E and I joined forces late morning so we could do just that.  He found a live-stream video on YouTube and had it projected on the wall.  This is the first swearing in I've ever watched before.  Mr. E said the same (and so did all the kids too).  I'm glad we did it!  It was very interesting, and led to some really good discussion with the 5th and 6th graders and 7th and 8th graders too.  Plus it gave my kiddos a chance to get caught up on their work that had to be turned in before the end of the quarter.  As of 3:00, everything was turned in from the 5th and 6th graders (the 7th and 8th graders too).

The other interesting thing from today was the student who had a dentist appointment.  She is TERRIFIED of the dentist, so her mom never tells her until right before she has to leave.  I happened to check my phone sometime this morning and saw a text from her mom letting me know she was coming to pick up her student to go to the dentist to fix a cracked tooth.  Yikes.  She said, "Don't tell her unless absolutely necessary." Because her daughter freaks out so much just hearing she has to go there.  I was reading aloud to the class when her mom came in and whispered in her daughter's ear.  I just kept reading, but no one was paying any attention to me (actually, I wasn't paying much attention either because I was watching her).  The student immediately stiffened and looked like she was fighting back tears as she frogmarched her way to the coatroom and closed the door behind her.  A few moments later, her mom came back in to collect the student's work just in case she wouldn't be back in school later.  Thankfully, it was a false alarm and her tooth wasn't actually cracked.  So she was back by lunchtime no worse for the wear.  

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