Monday, November 29, 2021


Spelling with the 7th and 8th graders today was something else. The orange group met with me first where it was discovered that one of the boys has been adding speech bubbles to the characters in the book. Things like, "my clothes are weird and I don't know why," or "get ready to write your words five times, cuz this is a hard week." 

"It's nothing bad Miss H; just a little something to make spelling more fun for years to come." How can you argue with that? I had trouble keeping a straight face. Then I told him he could keep doing it if he finds a way to incorporate a spelling word into the quote. That took the wind out of his sails a bit, but I have every confidence he'll bounce back. 

We did a high/low from all of Thanksgiving break first thing in the morning... the better to curb my 5-6th graders' sharing during the day. Mine were: high- walking around the lights at Bentleyville in Duluth (free popcorn and marshmallows for roasting over a bonfire!) and low- not getting to see my family. None of them said anything about it until the end of the day when it was my turn for highs/lows again. 

A sixth grader asked, "Miss H, if you didn't get to see your family over Thanksgiving, who did you go to Duluth with?"

Cue the blushing. "My boyfriend and his family." 

One girl said, "I knew it! We pick up my friend sometimes and she said she's seen you walking around town holding hands with a boy!" Another girl said, "My mom knew about it a long time ago, and I found out too. I just kept it a secret." A few of them had more questions, but I moved us along to the last highs/lows person and we prayed and went home. Whew! End of story. For now... I'm sure it will come up when I least expect it...

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