Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pickle Party

Our latest read-aloud book mentioned the word "kosher" (there are some Jewish culture references in the book), so I explained what the word meant. Of course my kiddos immediately thought of pickles, and since it was snack time, a bunch of them got out their jars of pickles and had them for snack. That sounded tasty to me too, so I got my pickles out! All in all, about 50% of our class had pickles today. A good number of them also had warm beverages of a sort, probably hot chocolate. 

The 7-8th graders had another study kahoot today. We finished early, so they asked for a tour of my apartment. One asked to see all my plants. I happily acquiesced. Another kid wanted to see my TV. Nothing spectacular there. They thought my place looked very nice. And clean. 

They're having virtual class tomorrow too. Mr. E is waiting for covid test results. He has had a stuffy nose, but otherwise is feeling fine. Another teacher tested positive, and there have been a few students out with covid too, so he's operating under the 'better safe than sorry' mindset. We cancelled Family Write Night (supposed to be Thursday) and are doing our singing/ringing Sunday via recorded video. That is, if we have enough kids at school to tape it. It sounds like only the 1-2nd and preschoolers will be at school tomorrow. 

I'm not sure what we'll do about bells. As of right now, we'll be back Thursday. But two families are keeping their kids home all week because they don't want them to get sick, which means I'm short two bell people. We'll see how the song sounds. If their parts aren't critical, we'll still record. 

After school today, G-man came over to help me put the plastic on my porch. It took us a little over an hour. It must be humid outside because while the rest of us stayed a good temperature, our fingers were freezing! I'm glad that job is done for another year. Hard to believe I've lived in this apartment for 10 years! Hopefully this will be the last year. Speaking of which, house update: I get to pick siding and shingle colors this week! :D

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