Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Christmas Practice

Bell practice again today. The songs are still rough, but my kiddos are improving quickly. Again, having songs they like makes all the difference. Christmas program practice went well this afternoon too. The songs are peppy and catchy. It took us a while to get started since the gym's sound cord is broken and the cd player takes a bit to get set up. Still, we made it all the way through the program, minus one song we didn't have time for. 

The other big news of the day was written in a donut box in the office.
Outside: Take one! 
Inside: Mrs. L can't be the only one around here with a belly! 

The secret is finally out! She's having a baby due in May! Her class figured it out today as well. She gives them a class prize when they earn enough letters to fill in the blanks. This time the blanks said, "baby due in May". The 5th graders go down there for bells, and there were enough letters up that they could try to guess. They figured it out but were sworn to secrecy. They couldn't even tell the 5th graders. And Mrs. L wouldn't confirm that they figured out the prize. But they did! 

One of them cornered me at recess today to double check that they were right. I wouldn't give them an answer. "But you're smiling Miss H, so that must mean I'm right." For the record, I was not smiling any more than I normally would when they ask me a question! It was a fun day of surprising people. Mrs. L told me one of her kids spread the news to two third graders who didn't believe her. One actually fact checked and asked her. When she said yes, he tore off after his classmate yelling, "It was actually true! She is! She is!" 

And so we end this short week before Thanksgiving. I'm headed up to Duluth for the break. There will be lots of food and games and family time, and I'm looking forward to it, but it's a little bittersweet that I'm missing my own family's celebration. Such is life! My goal is to get my teacher stuff finished before I leave, that way I don't have to work on it when I'm gone. I'll still have my NaNo to write, but it'd be much nicer to have the teaching stuff out of the way. Maybe I'll have time to read a book! I'm bringing some along, just in case... 😉

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