Thursday, September 22, 2022

Fly Swatters

Who knew fly swatters would be such a distraction?! The two sixth grade boys sit next to each other. They both like to be helpful. They've taken it upon themselves to be the designated class fly swatters. At first it wasn't such a big deal. They know where the two swatters are and they'd quietly take their weapons and patrol the room, on the hunt for pesky flies. But now they sit at their desks during lessons gripping the swatters, flicking them back and forth. One of the swatters, already old, is getting quite mangled. 

When I see the swatters in hand during class, I ask the boys to set them on the folding table behind their desks. And they do. For a while... A few minutes later somehow the swatters have magically appeared in their hands again, whisking back and forth, their eyes roving the room for flies. Ugh! Today it was so bad I made them put the swatters back in the closet. Sigh. 

In other news, my financial troubles with the USDA have been figured out FINALLY! The numbers have been adjusted and things are right as rain. The only downside is my closing date will most likely need to be pushed off by a week (hopefully not two) so paperwork can be finalized. I'm in the process of selecting homeowners insurance. Once we have a new official closing date, I can set up utility start dates. Another big sigh. The end is still in sight!

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