Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Travel the World: Part One North America

The 7-8th graders presented their trip projects for North America today. Or... they tried to convince me that they shouldn't present today. Most of them weren't done this morning and wanted to wait until Thursday. 

Every year this happens. They get tons of class time and then wait and wait to do their projects. I know they've been working on them. Just not enough I guess. I told them they could trade their order with their classmates, but they had to work that out themselves. Two 7th graders swapped, even though they both presented today. One needed "just five more minutes Miss H!" 

The two 8th grade boys tried to work the system... They were supposed to present second, but they traded places with a classmate who wasn't going to be in class. Their thinking was: she wouldn't have to present today since she wasn't here, everyone else would get bumped up in order, and they'd both get to go on a different day. Getting to the bottom of the story more, one of the boys couldn't finish his part of the project because his computer got a virus this morning. Although, both of them went out to recess instead of working on it... Still. Not much you can do about a computer virus, so I gave them a one day reprieve. 

The three that presented today did a fantastic job. They picked cool places to visit and were thrifty in their spending! One girl's trip to Arizona only cost $500 including the flight. She stayed at her grandparents' house and used their car so she only had to pay for gas. Another girl went to Mexico City and rented a bike for a week to see the city. She was inspired by her grandparents too. Her grandparents did a resort-type place, all things included, but they gushed about the place so much she wanted to visit. The third presenter did a trip his family actually went on... to Colorado Springs. All super neat! I hope the last four presenters' projects are just as cool!

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