Monday, September 12, 2022


I wore my hair down at school, something I rarely do since it's so long. I've been thinking about getting it cut because it's starting to slip out of my bun easier, but when I mentioned it to my kids, one of the boys said, "No, you shouldn't Miss H, it's so pretty long." I'll probably let it grow some more; it's not quite long enough to donate and still have it long enough to put up in a bun and clip. 

The 7-8th graders (and I) made it through a whole hour of science! We accomplished everything I wanted to for last Friday and today, plus had a few tangents. I need to figure out a new game plan for the 5-6th graders... I have a few low level kids and a few high level kids, so for the first time in a long time, I have bored kids or completely lost kids, depending who I cater to. A flipped classroom might be the way to go. I just need to get it started. Mr. E and I talked a little after school and he's having the same problem. It's nice to have another person to bounce ideas off!

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