Friday, September 16, 2022

Jennifer the Toad

One of the 6th grade girls is obsessed with toads. If I remember correctly, she has five as pets at home. She used to have six but one either died or escaped. 

She found a little toad near the mud kitchen at noon recess and promptly announced, "Hello little toad. Oh, you are a girl. Your new name is Samantha!" Apparently, you can tell a toad's gender by looking at its belly. Who knew?

I called them in for recess a while later and she came back over to the mud kitchen still clutching the toad, looking for a place to put it. She decided to put the toad in a cupcake tin. "Okay Jennifer the toad..." A classmate cut in, "Wait, I thought you named her Samantha?" She said, "I changed my mind. Okay, Jennifer, we're going to bake you in a cupcake! Ha, just kidding, we're not going to bake you." 

And then I lost the rest of what happened because Mr. E came out to ask me a question and we got sidetracked discussing what to do about the 7-8th graders' foul language at recess. I never hear them, or if I hear something suspicious, they always claim they didn't say the bad word. This time, some younger classmates tattled on them. One girl fessed up and then squealed on other classmates who do the same. Ugh. I think we've dealt with them all now. Mr. E had a big talk with his kids and I talked to the mom of the kid in my class. 

On a positive note, everyone said their memory work before the bell rang today!

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