Thursday, October 27, 2022

Lost Has Been Found, and BIG News

Picking up the bookshelves yesterday went moderately smoothly. We spent more time at the Mapleton school than Good Thunder and got over to Good Thunder five minutes before they shut down for the day. My bookshelf pickup took about 15min. On the way back, we went out to eat at the Thunder Bar. After unloading at school, I took a look at the goodies left on the two bookshelves. There were lots of puzzles, math manipulatives, and games. Lost of lower grade level stuff I set out for the other teachers to pick over. A few things I chose to keep. There's still a bin of things I need to sort through, but it was getting late and I made myself go home. A task for another day!

I've been missing the tiny garbage can right next to my door. It disappeared one day, nowhere to be found. I can't believe how much I miss that thing! My kids too. So often little scraps get tossed in there as we walk out the door or work at the folding table next to it. It's probably our most used garbage can. I finally wrote a note on the board in the office to see if anyone has seen it. The 1-2nd grade teacher said a tiny black recycling bin appeared in her room recently, was that mine? Yes! Woohoo! She said she'd switch to using a box for her bin. My kids will be so excited.

The bigger news is... I have a closing date! Next Friday, November 4th. It stinks because they have to do it during the day. Another stink is that the only time that works that day is 9am. The 5-8th graders are going to a play in Fairmont in the afternoon so none of those options worked. Mr. E will take my class for the morning until I get back. Pastor is showing a movie in confirmation class, so my class can watch that for part of the morning. I'll probably only get back with a half an hour to spare before we need to leave. Boy, that will be a crazy day. 

I won't be able to move in until the following Monday. G and I have plans to visit his friends in the Cities and attend another friend's wedding. Thankfully I don't have school Monday! Hopefully I'll be able to find enough help. So far, it seems doable...

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