Monday, May 13, 2024

Breaking Up the Day

I spent the morning at Immanuel reading to the 7-8th graders and the afternoon at Mt. Olive... reading to 5th graders. 


I had wanted to finish reading the last 90 pages of the read-aloud I'd started with them the first time I subbed this year. We did it! They were satisfied with the ending and want there to be a movie version. Partway through the morning, someone had the idea to read in the outside classroom. Fantastic! It was my first time out there with a class. 

Some of the boys had gone mushroom hunting over the weekend, so mushrooms were on the brain. Believe it or not, they found about 15 morels! Some were quite big, some were quite dry. The boys have plans to cook them at home. Makes me want to poke around the woods!

Mt. Olive

Pretty simple afternoon. One class had a spelling worksheet; I read aloud stories from Bloopers, Botches, and Blunders: Life's Hall of Shame. The only other 'big' subject was reading. We read from Mr. Lemoncello's Library. One class asked if they could sit under their desks while we read. Sure! The other class asked if we could read outside for class. Sure! 

Fun day, but whew! My voice is tired!

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