Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Kindergarten Day 1

It has been quite the day in kindergarten, going to the complete opposite end of the spectrum of students!

Mrs. E is going on the class trip with the 7th and 8th graders, so I am subbing for her the rest of the week. She had things laid out pretty well, but their attention spans are so short, there are lots of small segments of classes. Also they need a lot of help with things and there is not much independent work. 

Our themes of the week are tigers and butterflies. All the reading and writing lessons are about tigers. The class has a bunch of butterfly chrysalises that might hatch this week! So far, nothing yet. 

The 1-2nd graders are hatching ducks in an incubator. Four have already hatched and are ready for holding. The kids are pumped! One kid almost missed the bus because he wanted to see them before he went home. 

Speaking of ducks, I ordered three varieties of ducks for G and me to have at our homestead. He wants egg layers, so we are getting Khaki Campbells. There's a minimum order amount of 15 ducklings, so we're also getting Cayugas and Blue Swedish varieties, five of each kind. There's not enough room for 15 ducks on our place, so Dad will take all the extras. They are scheduled to hatch on May 20th and arrive within 48 hours!

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