Friday, May 31, 2024

Little Cheeps

The ducklings arrived healthy and full of energy! We now have 15 balls of fluff scuttering around our garage... contained of course. 

G's cousin came with to pick them up, and when we got home, she decided they needed a swim. She filled a bucket and let a few swim at a time. They're too little to be in there by themselves, so she supervised them and traded them out when she thought they'd had enough. 

She named one Bubbles. The only other one with a name is Penguino, named because he or she looks like a penguin. Right now they're too little for me to know if they're boys or girls. We ordered five of each breed hoping to have a mix of boys and girls. 

G came up with names for our chicks: Pixie, Dixie, and Trixie. Pixie has a slightly dusty tinge to her feathers, Dixie has a dark streak on her head, and Trixie is the medium colored one.

Our chicks are growing in leaps and bounds. To make room for the ducks, they got moved to a different tub, one I thought they couldn't get out of. Turns out I was wrong.

I found this scene when I checked them later in the day. They hopped up on their waterer, then the side. Guess I need to bump up building them a new home on my to-do list! In the meantime, I put a grate over the top to stop their adventures for now. 

In other news, we're not the only ones enjoying our goats. This kid had the biggest grin on his face feeding our goats over the fence one morning.


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