Sunday, May 26, 2024

Fritz the Billy Goat

A friend of a friend had a billy goat available for free, a boer cross. Hard to argue with free! G and I took his work van to pick up this little guy. Boy that dog kennel is getting good use!

He's a shrimpy little thing right now, smaller than Gerda, but he'll grow some. We named him Fritz.

Here's the introduction to the ladies. Ilsa was less than enthused. Gerda had a quick sniff. They lost interest pretty quickly. 

Mopsy wasn't a fan. 😆 She has since warmed up to him. 

Paul tried to make friends with Fritz with watermelon rinds. He was a little curious, but Ilsa and Gerda hogged them all. 

Fritz got straight to eating the grass in the pasture instead. After a while, he and Gerda enjoyed a friendly game of headbutting on the deck. I have a feeling that will be a frequent occurrence.

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