Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Further Experiments

I can't remember if I've mentioned this or not, so I'll do a quick recap... A few of the trees we planted in the front yard didn't do so hot over winter and/or from deer, so we replaced them. Since the trees had at least a few leaves and clearly weren't dead yet, I couldn't bring myself to throw them away. Hence, the nursing home. G and I relocated two plums, a honey crisp, and a peach along the north pasture fence. So far they're still alive. I'm calling the space "the tree nursing home."

Gerda escaped today. There's a weak spot in our fence where the wire isn't connected. Somehow the overlapped fence came apart. We noticed her grazing on the north side of the fence this morning. Thankfully she didn't go far and didn't wreck too much stuff. She nibbled on leaves in our tree nursing home and broke a couple branches, but not enough to kill them. I got her back in quickly. 

This afternoon I worked in the garden weeding. I got a big section finished and planted root vegetables (radishes, beets, turnips, rutabaga... also eggplant, leeks, okra, and strawberry popcorn). I had a few open packs of lettuce I wanted to use up before I quit for the day. The space under the trellis hoops called to me... It's such a shame we can't plant anything in there... 


Maybe we could! It could be a quick growing something that would mature before the vines cover the top... That's all it took for me to experiment. Stay tuned for results!

One last update: A neighbor saw a coyote sitting on their patio today. 😳 Guess we better move a dog to the top of our animal priority list. If anyone has a lead on a quiet, medium sized, inexpensive dog that's good with animals, let us know!

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