Tuesday, May 21, 2024

No Such Thing as Bad Weather

...Just bad clothes.

I've been (slowly) reading a book with the above title. I love the concept of not letting weather get in the way of enjoying the outdoors. Wintertime will be a challenge... but rain? Eh, could be doable.

G and I didn't get our bare-root strawberries planted last night. They've been sitting around for too long plus I had soaked them for six hours, so it was a high priority for today. Rain is in the forecast for the whole day, but it wasn't raining when I got up this morning, so I thought I could zip out and quick get it done before a downpour. 

Well, things always take longer than expected, don't they?

First, I needed to mow the grass in the future strawberry bed to make it easier to plant them. But before I could do that, I had to move the deer fence so the mower could get to the area. By the time I finished mowing, sprinkles spit at me. I whipped my hood up and kept trucking. 

The rain amped up (not a downpour) but my sweatshirt did a good job keeping me from feeling wet. It was pretty soaked by the time I went inside. 🤪

Since I was on a roll, I transplanted the wild strawberries I previously rescued from the goat pasture. Those are the most noticeable ones in the picture. They're growing well! A few even had runners started. In the background you'll notice four orange/red flags. Those mark the two rows of bare root plants. 

We have a few bins of compost on the side of our garage. The bins don't have drain holes (they started out as planters in a basement garden that never took off), so they are quite liquidy. I keep dumping our kitchen scraps on top. 

Since I was already wet and mucky, I used my shovel to mix them up. Compost at the bottom! Unless it's potting soil leftover from my experiment. 😅  

But really, composting is happening. There were only a few visible kitchen scraps, and those were the items that had been on top of the bins before I mixed: a pineapple top, squash shells, egg shells. 

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