Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day

I've been dreading Mothers Day, more than Bekhor's actual due date. But the day was not as horrible as I thought it would be. Sad, but not horrible. 

My grandparents planted a tree for each grandchild when they were born, and my dad decided to carry on that tradition. He picked out three swamp oaks from G's garden center and we planted them Sunday afternoon. 

Lil and Miri each helped dig the hole for their tree, fill dirt in, and water them. Lil had a blast and got very possessive of her shovel.

When Dad asked Lil what she wanted to name her tree, she said, "Beer" 😂 or maybe it was "Deer". Too windy to tell. Maybe we'll wait to name them until they're older.

Bekhor's tree:

The rest of the afternoon, I scrounged around the farm looking for supplies for my future ducks. They'll hatch in a little over a week! I found most of what I need for them. My walkabout gave me lots of nostalgia of chore time as a kid: the smell of lilacs, walking through puddles, the duck tree...

There's even a duck in it!

Supper saw us at Grandma's house with an aunt and a few cousins. We had a "tea party" with cucumber sandwiches and at least seven varieties of tea! I only got to one unfortunately, but they sent me home with envelopes of the kinds I didn't get to try. We had to leave shortly after supper to go to the hospital to visit Grandpa before visiting hours were over. He seemed in much better spirits than he had been earlier in the week and it was good to see him with more energy. Keep praying for a speedy recovery and regain of strength!

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