Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Day at Mt. Olive

I feel like a celebrity when I walk through the halls at Mt. Olive. I've taught so many students this year, most recently the younger grades, who particularly light up when they see me in the hallway. They wave, excitedly whisper to their friends, "It's Mrs. H!", and sometimes even give me hugs. It feels a bit excessive honestly. 😆

My last day at Mt Olive this year was in third grade, and we got along just fine. They had a morning very packed with academics. Their teacher actually trusts me to teach English! First sub she's had teach a full-on lesson!

Their interactive whiteboard board was not interactive first thing in the morning. I know enough about this kind of tech to problem solve, so I tried a number of things. I wasn't successful and said kind of to myself that it was a mystery what was wrong. One of the students spoke up and said, "That could be a story! In that book!" 

I wasn't sure what they were talking about. They said, "It's a mystery, so we need to call that guy.  That guy from the read-aloud book you did last week. The detective!" I had no idea they loved the book so much: Smiffy Blue Ace Crime Detective. He came up another time that morning with another mysterious circumstance. Can't remember the specifics. Later that afternoon, the kids requested we continue reading that book instead of their regular read-aloud book. We were able to finish before the end of the day. They wanted more. Unfortunately it's just a one book series. Must not have been popular enough for them to write more. 

The big event of the afternoon was roller skating. A company shipped them a bunch of crates of skates to use for two weeks. This was day two of their PE unit, so most of them remembered what their shoe size was, how to put the roller skates on, and how to actually roller skate. It wasn't as hard to manage as we all thought. I did have to help tie shoes for quite a number of students, but overall it was very smooth. 

Once everyone was taken care of, I put on my own pair of roller skates and enjoyed a half an hour of peacefully gliding around the gym. I haven't roller skated in years, but it came back to me right away. One common theme of conversation from students I passed was how many times they'd fallen down. Most of them said it was fewer times than yesterday! I am pleased to report I did not fall down at all. 😎

After school, G and I went to the Arboretum in Chaska to celebrate Bekhor's due date. The tulips were spectacular!

There was a really great art exhibit from a MN artist. He tried to incorporate pop culture/MN themes in each piece. This one was one both of us particularly enjoyed. 

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