Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Last Day Subbing

I closed out the year with the 7-8th graders at Immanuel. They were bummed I could only stay for a few hours. We made the most of it! 

Order of events: bible history lesson about Jesus feeding the 5000 (and watching a clip of The Chosen), cleaning out the ball shed attached to the gym (teachers will organize/put everything away after school), and read aloud. 

As I suspected, shed cleaning only took about 15min, so we had an hour to read. I had brought a bunch of options, some short story compilations, some short books, a few choose your own adventure books. They voted to read Lost in the Wild by MN author Ryan Jacobson. We read outside for a half an hour of the time. Man, it turned into a glorious day! We died a few times from our choices, but in the end, we finally chose one path that ended in survival! 

I met up with a friend for lunch/errands, and then spent the afternoon homesteading. The forecast predicts rain the rest of the week, so I wanted to take advantage of the nice day. 

I had a brainstorm to use the dog kennel as a mini chicken tractor for my three chicks. It worked great! It was fun to watch them act like chickens. They sunned themselves, tried to take a dust bath in the grass, hopped around, and played with each other. Oh, and scratched around to look for bugs. 

Chickens like ventilation but not wind, and they don't do well when wet, so we moved them back into the garage overnight. They might be stuck there a while with this wet weather coming. 

I found some more plants from my fall seeding!

These look like peas.

Not sure what these are... Anyone know? I should check my plant plan.

Two more mysteries... I have a suspicion one or both are weeds.

How about this one? Weed or vegetable?

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