Friday, August 2, 2024


Our fruit collecting is complete. We picked 215.4 pounds of peaches and 19.6 pounds of pears. 235lbs total. Sue is keeping some for herself/a friend (those three half bushels closest to Galen in the picture). The six half bushels grouped together is what we're taking home. 

Here's the weight breakdown for each of our baskets: 

There were some enormous peaches! I tried to get as many of those as I could (fewer pits). 

Here's all the fruit loaded in the car! We brought back 20lbs of blueberries too, but those were prepicked from a local produce farmer Sue knows from church. The guy gave us a few freshly harvested cucumbers too. 

Back at Sue's place, we sorted the peaches by size and softness into the crates from the garden center. We were able to fit them all in just single or double layers. The peaches are firm enough they should travel back to MN in good condition.

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