Saturday, August 31, 2024

Very No

This week has been overrun with plums...

Another host family blessed us with two gigantic bags of plums. A good number were squished or bruised or starting to mold, so Hohomi and Yua helped sort. 

They had a system and said aloud if each plum deserved to be kept... "No... Yes... No... Very no!" 

The 'very no' pile went to the animals and were thoroughly enjoyed. The rest were used to make fruit roll-ups, prunes, and sauce.

(above are fruit roll-ups ready to go in the dehydrator on the left and plum sauce on the right)

A few days later, we got a second round of plums even more than the first! This batch I shared with friends/family and made a second batch of dehydrated fruit. And the animals got another round of cast-offs. G requested a plum pie for his birthday, and that will use up the last of them!

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