Monday, August 26, 2024

Hot, Hot, Hot

I squatted down to get a closer look at our white chicken, the one named Pixie. She appears more and more rooster like as the days go by...

Big red comb, pointy neck feathers, and a curled tail feather. I check with my dad for verification and he thinks so too. Pixie is a rooster. And a nice looking one at that. No crowing yet. Hopefully he's one of the rare ones who never crows. 😬

It's been so hot I refreshed the animals' water with nice cool liquid. I brought Misty in with me so she gets used to being closer to the animals. She got a little jumpy in the beginning, but calmed down quickly. I put water in the kiddie pool for her to chill. The ducks were jealous. 

But they got to enjoy their pond later, so everyone was happy!

Even the goat...

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