Saturday, August 31, 2024

Milking Time

A few challenges and learning experiences, but overall the first few milkings have gone well! 

Our friends brought their stanchion for us to use. It's quite tall so the person milking can slide the stool underneath. To solve the issue of the goats getting up to it, we used a sturdy and short wooden bookshelf previously used to hold Joe's tank. We set it in top when not milking. 

That didn't stop Svetlana from jumping all the way up to the top of that stack to see what she could see. Suddenly, a few more leaves seemed in reach... She still couldn't get them. 

At milking time, the goats lined up one by one to be milked. Each one hopped right up when it was her turn! 

We milked into glass peanut butter jars. I learned quickly not to let them fill up too far, just in case the goat kicks the jar out of your hand. I lost a bunch of milk that way. 😒

Here's our haul from this morning. Galen got even more at tonight's milking. 

I thought it would have a big difference in flavor since goat vs cow cheese is so different. To me it tastes like cow milk. G says they taste vastly different and goat milk tastes way better. Either way, we both like it, which bodes well for our future goat milking ventures. 

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