Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Further Adjustments

After the chicken escapade, I had the idea to put a post at the bottom of the gate so the chickens couldn't slip through. 

It's funny. The chickens came straight over to peck at the dirt and gravel right next to the gate. One even eyed up the crack between the gate and the fence, wondering if she could squeeze through. You'd think they'd stay away! 

Thankfully, they haven't attempted to cross onto Misty's side since the post has been added. 

I tried playing fetch with Misty with a thick stick in her pen. She bounded after it right away and nosed through the grass until she found it. She scooped it in her mouth and retreated under a tree far away from me to chew it. 

This afternoon my mother-in-law and I took Misty to be fitted for a walking harness. Even though she has room to run in the pasture, we still like to take her on walks on the path around the pond. Our dog is so strong, she sometimes pulls us off our feet if she sees something interesting (not G, mostly us ladies). 

So, Misty got a pickup ride, multiple treats at the store, and a new collar, harness, and leash. She's fully outfitted now! 

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