Friday, August 9, 2024

Idyllic Scene

We ran out of poultry food, so we decided to let them free range today. Misty is doing pretty well leaving them alone (she's still on her tether), but she's barked at them on and off.  We rotated the door of the trampoline so it's facing away from her, and now the ducks are splashing away in their pool, coming and going as they please.

It's so funny to watch them weave their way through the tall grass, pausing for a nibble here and there. They look like they're swimming. 

The goats are loving the cooler weather we've had. They found a nice sunny spot out of the wind and are all chilling together. Ilsa is completely relaxed and laid out!

They did get up when a neighbor brought her sweet corn husks over. 🤣 Nothing like a treat to get them up and moving!

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