Friday, August 23, 2024

First Day of Subbing

Can you believe some schools have already started for the year?

My old school starts next week Tuesday. They just hired a new 5-6th grade teacher. Well, actually they hired two; one is teaching science and social studies in the afternoon and the other teaches in the morning. This morning I met with the afternoon teacher to go over science and social studies curriculums. It went very well and the new teacher seems like she'll be a good fit for the school and the classroom. 

This afternoon I was back at Mt Olive, subbing for the 6th grade teacher just for the afternoon. The students I taught are the same ones I did the long-term sub for last year. We were all very excited to see each other. 😁 They started school Wednesday and already have a lot of the routines down. 

It was a super simple afternoon. We did a devotion, a chapter of read aloud, DEAR time, extra recess, and art led by the other sixth grade teacher. And then it was time to go home! 

Nice to be back at both schools. 😊

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