Monday, August 19, 2024

Fence Adjustment

We adjusted the fence today to give Misty room to run without putting our other animals in danger. It makes the goat area a little smaller, but they don't seem to mind. They found the pile of wood G stacked a while ago! 

Here's our new setup:

Misty is off tether now. The chickens and ducks seemed to enjoy their side of the pasture... For a while... 

I found out later in the day two of the chickens thought the grass was greener on the other side. Our best guess is they slipped through the crack in the gate while Misty slept in her dog house, caroused in the luscious grass, and then Misty woke up. 

My father-in-law happened to be over checking on the kittens and he heard the squawking. Misty was terrorizing one of the chickens by pouncing and releasing it repeatedly. Thankfully he caught her in time and was able to get the chicken away. The other chicken had been on the other side of the house, also terrified. My father-in-law had to catch her and carry her to safety. 

The chickens hunkered down between the goat shed and the wooden fence, about as far from Misty as they could get without going into the back pasture. 

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