Friday, August 30, 2024

Danger Zone and Goatsitting

Making breakfast in my pajamas this morning, I heard squawking coming from the pasture. 

I almost ignored it, then thought better of it and looked out the bedroom window. Misty had another chicken by the throat. She dropped the hen for two seconds when I yelled at her and then picked the chicken back up. 

I tore out of the house like a tornado, no time for shoes. It took me grabbing Misty by the collar to finally get her to let the chicken go. I thought the chicken was surely a goner. But no, Trixie popped on her feet and took off along the fence looking for a way to get to her side. She doesn't fit through the wire, so I tethered Misty in the front yard, then rescued the hen. A little slobbered on, but otherwise okay. 

The chickens stayed away from the fence the rest of the day. I found them chilling in the goat shed after lunch. 

The other big news of the weekend is that we're goatsitting three milking goats for some friends. They're milked twice a day, morning and evening. It'll be good practice for us!

The newbies seem to have acclimated all right. The three are small (Nigerian dwarf), so they're the perfect size to go in the trampoline. One is resting in there right now. 

Our goats have ignored them for the most part. Svetlana has been the most interested in them, following them a bit, but she seems to be behaving herself. Our herd is actually resting outside instead of in the shed! Maybe to keep an eye on the interlopers...

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