Thursday, March 13, 2014

Crabby Pants

Ugh!  I feel like such a crab.  It seems all I did all day was nag my students.  I had to get on my 5th graders all day about not interrupting me while I'm talking.  The 2nd graders did it too.  And I feel HORRIBLE.  I don't want to yell at them!  I get sick of repeating myself over and over and over again!  I want them to listen to me when I talk.  Sigh.  Why don't kids these days respect their teachers like they did back in the old days?  I don't remember having this problem as much when I did student teaching.  Is it me?  Is it our school?  I don't know.  Maybe it's a combination of changing weather and daylight savings time. 

Ms. J and I had a long conversation about this, how we both feel like such crabs.  She brought it up, actually apologizing for being crabby.  I hadn't noticed.  I was too worried that she thought I was crabby.

This morning I was scrambling to put pictures into a powerpoint I had made for the 7th and 8th graders.  I was going to teach the lesson today.  Normally I try to have my lessons ready at least the day before (words, pictures, everything), but since we served the Lenten Supper yesterday, I didn't have time to do it at school.  I didn't want to stick around school all that long after church, so I took the book home to do it there.  No internet= no pictures.  And of course it took me longer to add the pictures than I expected.  And the 5th graders were bugging me about heating up the egg bake/eating leftover muffins.  Then they wanted help finishing their science fair written reports on the computer and gluing stuff on the boards and finishing that one last math problem they didn't get done and finishing up that last spelling page they needed help on.  And here I am, trying to get a lesson ready for the toughest critics you'll ever find. 

Is it Friday yet?

On the plus side, it's all downhill from here.  Aside from making my lesson plan outline for next week, I only have a huge pile of correcting to do tonight, along with my weekly trip to the library.  But it picks up again Friday after school...

I'm in charge of bringing all the Fine Arts Fair projects to Northrup, pinning them in their appropriate spots on the wall, and attaching ribbons to the projects from our school in grades K-2.  The people from Good Shepherd brought their art projects over; I'm supposed to do the same for theirs.  And I need to set up my 5th graders' science fair projects in their appropriate rooms and make sure my engineering 5th graders' engine works.  All this needs to happen before 6:00pm on Friday.  I had no idea it was going to be this much work to bring the art down.  I am glad I can help out! (but I do wish it wasn't so much work for one person)

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