Monday, March 10, 2014

Rocket Launch

Well this week took off with a bang!  Mostly figuratively, but a little bit literal.  With the nice warm weather going on, the snow on the roof is melting and then sliding off in a huge avalanche.  There were two of these avalanches during the day, causing the students (one happened while the 2nd graders were here) to sit up and look around.  One went down in front of the window causing everyone to go, "WHOA!!!"

In the aftermath of my sister's visit, I had two students ask me where she was today.  They wanted to know if she had school.  Nope, she's on spring break.  "Well how come she's not here?"  I guess they liked her.  I mean, who wouldn't?  And Mr. D was very impressed with the art project example she did for me.

Yesterday my mom asked me what I do after school that I stay so long.  I didn't have an answer for her, mostly because it's hard to think of all the little things.  But I've been thinking about it some more and here's what I came up with: talk with other teachers, ask them questions/touch base about things that are happening later in the week.  Since I work with other teachers' students on a regular basis, there's a surprising amount of things to talk about each day.  I also erase the boards, straighten the room, respond to emails, gather the handed-in assignments, respond to more emails, figure out lesson plans for the next day, plan activities to do later in the week (or in upcoming days), write this blog, and print off worksheets, etc. for the next day.  There's a bunch of other random stuff thrown in too.  Like today I need to put backings on my students art projects for the Fine Arts Fair that's coming up on Saturday.  I suppose I could push it off a bit, but I'm worried I'll forget if I don't do it now.  Hmm, I think that's about it.  Or at least what's coming to mind.  Oh!  I need to hang a map somewhere on the nearly-full walls of my classroom.  I think it might go above the Interesting Word Wall.  I'll have to see if it fits. 

And since it looks like I still have a lot to do today, I will leave this post at that!

(Oh wait... I forgot about the blizzard update.  It seems that it's been moving toward the NE United States and we're not going to get it.  We are going to get some rain tonight that might turn into snow/grossness if it gets below freezing.  So we might have 2-hours late tomorrow.  And along with that, the School Board is for sure thinking about extending school.  We might even have school on Maundy Thursday and Easter Monday.  Yuck.  I hope not.  They're waiting until the snow is gone to make a decision about extending school.)

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