Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oh it's the Bill of Rights, it's the bill of your rights...

Oh this song is so catchy!  I've only listened to it a few times, but it's one of those that gets stuck in your head.  I started singing along when I played it for the 5th graders.  They looked at me like I was crazy.  And then I played the song again while we did art (I caught the boys dancing to the beat).  And now it's in my head again.  I might need to listen to it one last time before I go home...

After school, the teachers met to discuss chaperone groups for our field trip tomorrow.  It's a lot more complicated than you'd think.  Last night, I grouped the students and stuck them with chaperones.  It took forever!  Put kids with parents? Put them with their teachers? Mix grades?  Keep classes together?  Split up best friends?  Give chaperones equal numbers of charges?  Will some parents be offended they only got three kids instead of four or five?  With all those questions floating around, I wasn't expecting my list to be perfect. 

This morning I made copies and handed one to Mr. D since he was walking past.  He took one look at the list and said, "You must not like me or something, putting me with these three kids."  Totally not my intention at all!  This is what happens when I try to be fair to everyone.  He had problems with every other group I had made out of the kids in his class.  Sigh.  Like I said, I didn't expect my list to be perfect.  But when I asked him yesterday, he said he didn't think there could be a bad way to split them up!  

So anyway, the other teachers and I sat down after school and ironed out the lists.  Mrs. M and Mrs. S said we should put children with their parents, even when the children are spanning grade levels.  We also decided that chaperones didn't need to have an equal number of students in their groups.  Hopefully no parents will be offended or think we don't trust them as much. 

I'm interested to see what happens with my group.  The 5th grade girl without a para (Ms. J is still at state basketball) is going to be with me as well as the two kindergarten girls.  One of the girls was in cheerleading and she loves me to pieces, so I'm not worried about her.  The other girl is a bit of a rascal (okay, a lot of a rascal) and she likes to push all the boundaries.  I think I'm going to have my hands full with her!  Hopefully my 5th grader won't be feeling too crazy and she can help keep the kindergartners in line...  I can dream, can't I?

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