Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Like a Rocket

We went outside for recess today.  The girls brought their snow pants in anticipation of our outside recess.  It was a little chilly; I had second thoughts.  But I'd said we were going out for recess, so we went out!  One of the boys chose to come to school in shorts today... he came outside too. 

They wanted to go sledding and asked the other classrooms if we could borrow their sleds.  Unfortunately, there weren't any sleds at school.  I guess they got sent home once the snow began to melt.  On the way outside, I spied two broken down cardboard boxes.  Bingo!  We used those as sleds until I remembered there were a few large, plastic trays back in the storage shed.  I sent one of the 5th graders to go get them while the others used shovels to make a sled path.  Those plastic trays were super slippery!  The 5th graders shot down the hills!  A few had been "snowboarding" down the snow drift on the boxes, but that was outlawed once we switched over to the slippery trays. 

Our last day of the floor hockey tournament was today.  My 5th grade boys' team was up against the best 7th grader's team (the upper grade boys get to draft their own teams).  And... they got creamed.  They did make one goal!  Afterwards, I found out my boys were short a team member and the 7th grader's team was supposed to sit one person out during the game (but didn't).  So they were unfairly matched.  A few students called for a rematch, but the tournament has taken so long already I can't see a rematch taking place.  There is one more game left to play: the faculty vs. 7th/8th grade.  Ms. J's basketball team made it to state, so she's going to be gone the rest of the week.  That leaves us faculty one player short for our game.  She was super bummed to miss it!  I'm hoping we can postpone the game to Monday so she can still participate.

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