Tuesday, April 28, 2015


God was watching out for us again!  There was a chance of thunderstorms today, but the rain held off until lunch time, so we were able to go outside for reading.  It was a lot chillier than we were expecting... a bunch went back inside to grab sweatshirts and jackets.  Most said they had fun... sometimes it was hard to tell if they were actually working or if they were staring off into space.  There was a little discrepancy about how long we were supposed to work outside.  I thought we should just read outside for a bit; they thought we should spend the whole Daily 5 time outside (aka- the whole morning).  We ended up staying outside for around two hours... the natives got a little restless and then we heard something that sounded like a tornado siren going off.

It's not Wednesday and it's not in the afternoon... some of the students were getting concerned that there was bad weather coming (though it was sunny and didn't look stormy).  Better safe than sorry, we gathered up our things and went inside.  Absolutely nothing was on the radar.  Completely clear.  I think it was a tractor working in the field next to us.  Of course they turned on the student who made the most noise (and first brought up the tornado thing) and blamed him for us having to go in "early".  No matter how many times I told them there were other reasons for going inside and to stop picking on this kid, they just kept at it!

Last night's Mankato run was successful.  I had enough gift cards at Barnes and Noble to get Evil Spy School for only $0.50!  (some of my students weren't too happy that we have to finish our current read-aloud before starting this new book).  The book selection at the library book sale was a little slim, but I did find an assortment of books we don't have yet (or would be good additions to the prize box).  I got a new light bulb for Joe, but I don't think I got the right kind.  It's more of a blue light and I think it isn't as powerful as the one before.  I guess that means I have to go back and return it...

I met up with some friends from college at the book sale and they invited me over for dinner.  So we spent the evening catching up and watching their 15 mo. old daughter play in the backyard.  She's so cute!  She's super smart and is already proficient at walking.  She liked playing with my hair and even gave me a kiss goodnight. Sigh.  They invited me over for dinner again on Thursday.  Why not?  Maybe I can sneak in a trip to Pet Expo to get a different light for Joe...

Tomorrow's balloon activity: listen to music during Daily 5.  They thought they got to pick the music.  Ha! No, I'll put some classical music on the speakers.  Probably not what they're envisioning, but hey, it's better than nothing.

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