Monday, April 20, 2015

No Math!

Today the 8th graders went on a field trip to the Drug Council.  I don't think that's the real name... but I do know they were in court today and watched an actual court hearing for someone (and I think it was about drugs... the judge meets with them afterwards and talks about the system and why it's good to keep your nose out of trouble).  So the 8th graders were gone all afternoon.

It was great!  We had 45 minutes of MN history (and we finished talking about WWII... they started asking questions about the Cold War... patience young grasshoppers... that's next week), then we practiced our Variety Night skits and worked on our piñatas and Mystery Class locations.  The deadline for turning in our location answers is this Friday!  Not much time left!  I think a lot of them are planning to bring it home to look for answers.

We ended the day with almost a full half hour of recess (in the gym since it's cold, rainy, and windy today).  At noon recess, my 4-square students wanted me to play with them.  My food needed to settle in a bit more, so I declined their invitation.  They asked again in class this afternoon and by that time I'd digested enough that I could play.  Oh man, was competition tough!  One of the two boys tried making an alliance with the other, but then he started cheating (smacking the ball into your square and out right away before you even get a chance to hit it), and we all ganged up on him.  It took a while to get him out, but then the other boy made it his goal to never let the cheater past the third square.  It was all good natured fun.  Pretty soon the basketball boys joined us and once they got the hang of it things really heated up!  And then it was time to go in.

Dad went to pick up baby chicks today (Usually I just say "Dad went to pick up chicks today", but the other teachers would always give me funny looks when I mentioned it to them, and it took me a while to figure out why.  This year, I tried putting the word "baby" in there and I got much better results). We were hoping he'd make it to school before the end of the day so my students could see them (and then compare their size when they come to visit the farm in a few weeks), but he got to school just as the buses were leaving.  He still stopped in to say hi and check out my classroom. 

After school we teachers practiced our skit for Variety Night.  We came up with a plan for all the songs... now we just need to get props and practice with them.  Since our performance is next Friday, we're going to try to have practice every day next week.  We wanted to find another day to practice this week, and it looks like tomorrow is the only day that works.  I guess I'll just have to have practice on my birthday!  No big plans to speak of anyway.  I'm baking brownies tonight to bring as a treat for tomorrow.  The other teachers keep bringing it up (especially Mrs. E).  I wonder if they have something up their sleeves... or maybe they're just excited about birthdays. Time will tell!

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