Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Our teacher skit is coming together!  I think it's going to be even better than last time.  So far we've been able to keep it under wraps... my students noticed I've been bringing my laptop to school more often but I didn't let anything slip.

My class definitely needs to practice our skits more.  The group that wrote their own skit is the roughest.  They are having trouble figuring out where to stand and that they need to face the audience when they speak.  We spent at least half the time we were at church for practice working on their skit.  The students who are doing dramatic readings/singing/playing piano kind of bummed around for the half-hour.  I think I'm going to make them bring something to do when we go over tomorrow.

After school I was planning lessons for next week; there's not that much school left! Ahhh! At this moment it's an "ah" of slight panic.  But I'm sure in the next few minutes that could change to one of excitement.  Next week is MAY.  May, already?  I can't believe it.  And we only have three weeks of school left.  NEXT Friday is Track and Field Day.  Our zoo trip is MONDAY.  All these things are sneaking up on me!  And Mother's Day is a week earlier than I thought it was, so now I need to adjust things so my kids can make a present for their moms... first I need to come up with an idea.  Last year we painted cans and planted flowers in them.  Probably shouldn't do the same thing two years in a row.  Eh, I'll check Pinterest at some point; it's sure to have good ideas.  If you think of anything, send it my way!

Tomorrow is going to be crazy.  We have to practice our skits, have Junior Achievement, go to the MLC play all afternoon, then do teacher skit practice and map out which zoo chaperones are riding the bus/driving... there was supposed to be an IEP meeting at Nicollet tomorrow at 3:15, but it got cancelled (thanks Lord!).  Now we have a little more time to practice our skit.  Then I have to be in Mankato at 5:00, though if I can get there a little earlier to run errands, that would be good. 

Huh, I just remembered the ice cream.  I need to buy about five gallons of ice cream for Variety Night.  Definitely not enough room in my freezer to store it, so I have to bring it out to church.  But I don't want to drive all the way out to church tonight.  Since I'll be in Mankato tomorrow, I could pick it up then and swing by on my way back to Courtland... though church might be locked then... I guess Pastor could always let me in or leave it unlocked a little longer.  I'll have to check with them tomorrow...

Tomorrow's balloon activity: chew gum all morning (must provide your own gum).

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