Thursday, April 30, 2015


A pretty fun day in the 5th and 6th classroom.  We spent the morning doing religion, finishing our read aloud (yay, we can start the third spy school book tomorrow!), having skit practice at church, and doing Junior Achievement.  After lunch/noon recess/bookmobile, we went to MLC for their spring play, "Ugly Duckling".  It was about not making fun of others who are different from you.  I thought it was good.  A couple of my students brought books to read on the bus. Yay! :)

After school we did teacher skit practice with a special guest who's making an appearance in our skit... if you want to know who it is, you'll have to come to the show!!!  Everything is coming together.  We finally have the zoo bus situation figured out.  Enough parents are driving that we have a lot of room on the bus, so everyone will be able to come!  I'm having trouble dividing my students into chaperone groups... there's one kid in my class everyone is mad at and I'm sure there will be groans in whatever group I put him.  Mrs. B (1/2 grade) and I are going to make one group so my 6th grade girls will help watch over the 1/2nd girls and Mrs. B's preschool daughter.  I think it will be a good group. 

We didn't pop our balloon for today.  There was too much yelling across the room and putzing around and being mean in general, so I told them we weren't going to be able to do it.  At first it was more just a threat to get them to be quiet.  And the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like we needed to have a consequence for the class's actions.  So no balloon tomorrow.  The activity was supposed to be "wear a hat in school" but it's one of the lesser activities, and some of them already wear hats in school, so of all of them to miss this one's pretty good.  Sigh.  I hate being the bad guy.

Anyway, enough bumming around. Time to head to Mankato!

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