Tuesday, March 20, 2018


A few weeks ago we planted an amaryllis bulb. We set it on Joe's tank light so it would be warmer as it grew, which speeded up its blooming progress. It's already in bloom! Monday, the first flower opened. Today two more opened and a third one is popping open.

Then the allergies kicked in. I had moved the pot closer to the front so we could admire the pretty flowers, but kids' eyes got puffy and watery, so bad their classmates thought they were crying! We had to open the windows to air the room out. I ended up cutting the stamens off the flowers, sealing them in a ziplock bag before throwing them in the trash so the pollen wouldn't float around the room even more. Yikes! Who knew this flower could cause such strong reactions!

I don't have allergies, but even my nose/head started feeling stuffy. Unless I'm just getting a cold... I'll have to take it easy tonight and make sure to drink lots of tea!

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