Monday, March 12, 2018

Hero vs. Villain

First day of NLSW for us. Hero vs. Villain dress up day. I didn't know what to wear, but I thought I should try a little, so I wore all black and did my hair in a fancy french ponytail. Not sure if I'm a villain or a super sneaky superhero...

My kids are always super chatty on Mondays and today was no different. They were so talkative during their read to self round, I gave four of them sentences to write! They were very crabby at me afterwards. I should've said, "Hey, I'm a villain today, what do you expect?"

This afternoon we did another checks and balances activity. This time I told them we had $10 to spend as a class. The legislative branch would come up with a proposition of how we should spend it. The executive branch would approve/veto it. The judicial branch would decide on any challenges to the proposal.

First, one girl wanted to buy candles. But since she was the only one, she abandoned that idea and moved on to new curtains. The curtains were only $8! Except that was just for one and we couldn't get enough for the whole room. They brought up food, but they didn't want to spend it on snacks. Then one had the idea to buy another big yoga ball for flexibility seating. That was a huge hit! So they wrote the proposal, looked up how much it cost online and where to buy it, then turned it in to the executive branch... who promptly vetoed it.

One girl from the executive branch had popped an exercise ball a while ago (on accident) and the replacement is another bigger ball that's supposed to arrive today. Also, they pointed out that there are so many flexibility seating options that we don't use very often, do we really want another ball rolling around our room? So they struck it down. The legislative branch was frustrated and wanted to give up on the whole thing. Thankfully, we had to go to the gym and play hockey.

They must've been talking about it during the games, since afterwards they came up to me with a new idea. "Miss H, what if we got a fish?" Huh. It's come up in the past and I'm not opposed to it, but I don't really know what you all have to do to get started/take care of it. They had really good ideas and the rest of the class seems to be on board... We talked about where to put the tank, where to get the tank, what kind of stand to put it on (someone could make it for us?), what supplies we already have, what types of things we'd need...

They all agreed that their homework for tonight was to research and find out how much it would cost, the supplies we would need, what kind of work we'd have to do to take care of it... and we'll reconvene tomorrow!

Man, I'm so proud of them!

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