Thursday, September 20, 2018


First round of guest speakers today! Since the 7-8th graders are learning about North America, I teamed up with MLC to get student (teachers) from other countries (or travelers to those parts of the world) to come speak to my class. Today's speakers were two girls from Antigua, which is an island in the West Indies (near the Caribbean). It turns out I've been pronouncing it wrong. It's pronounced an-TEE-gah. No "gwa" sound in it at all. Learn something new every day!

I had a lady from church pick them up from MLC since they didn't have a car. This is the first time I've tried that and it worked fantastic! The lady said they had good conversation in the car on the way here and back to MLC. I think we'll keep doing it that way. The 5-6th graders stayed for half the time, going to math the other half. The girls were mostly done presenting by 1:00, so the 6th graders got gypped a little, but we kept coming up with questions, so they did learn some things.

Lots of pretty tropical beaches and clear, blue, water. Both girls are here on scholarship, being trained at MLC so they can go home and teach at a Lutheran Antigua school. They've taught in Antigua previously (preschool) and they had pictures of their classes, so I'm wondering if they started teaching right out of high school and now are officially being trained. They mentioned needing more classrooms to student teach in, so I volunteered to let them come back anytime. I wonder if the teachers at MLC would be okay with sending students out for clinicals at our school since we're Missouri Synod. Our school is so close to New Ulm that it wouldn't be too difficult to send people out here. Ah well, I guess we'll see!

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