Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Ugh. I have been battling mold in my apartment this week. It's white like mildew, but fuzzy when it has the chance to grow more. I've only noticed it on my wood furniture. The first time was a few months ago... I thought it was dust, so I just wiped it off. It's been so rainy and humid lately, I don't think my apartment has had a chance to dry out. Now it smells musty when I walk in the door, especially in my bedroom.

Last night after I got home I completely cleaned everything in my room. I used bleach to wipe everything down, I vacuumed, I dusted, I put things away, I did laundry. Tonight's goal is to finish washing my bedding and get the living room and kitchen done. There aren't as many spots in those rooms so hopefully it won't take as long. I had thought the kitchen was free of mold, but this morning I found spots on some of the lower cabinets, so it's added to the cleaning list.

We all got a note from the landlords saying we should all try to keep humidity down in our houses by cracking the windows, running the fans and/or a dehumidifier, etc. Over the weekend I bought an air purifier, which is helping a little with the smell, but I think I have to cave and buy a dehumidifier. Man, I was hoping to avoid that!

I had had grand plans of things to do after school this week, but those have all gotten pushed aside by the need to clean. Grr... On a positive note, I can listen to an audiobook while I clean! Still, papers aren't getting corrected and they're starting to pile up.

Midterms are next week, so I have to put grades in the gradebook; I started that today while my kids were at PE and got maybe a third of them entered.

We're doing a special offering in conjunction with the ladies' LWML rally on Saturday. It's a collection of items for young girls escaping the sex trafficking industry. We had a ton of donations come in so far and offering today was $69! Woohoo! Evelyn, the lady in charge of this safe house mission, wants to meet the kids who are giving so much. Since our students can't all be at the rally Saturday, we filmed them bringing their offerings up front and we're making a video of students who want to say things to the recipients of the items. All of it's going on a flashdrive to be given to Evelyn to take with her to Africa. One of my 5th graders loves editing videos on iMovie, so I put her in charge of the project. She is jumping in with both feet and has already filmed the kindergartners singing 'Jesus Loves Me'! Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

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