Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Ruby Slippers

We did the rock version of the song again... no air guitars today, but lots of singing. The key the youtube video is in is different than the one we sing for church, but so far they're going with their muscle memory instead of what they hear in the video (it makes for a weird sounding verse sometimes).

Some of the boys had trouble with organizing today. Last night I got around to correcting some of the things I collected from them earlier, so I wrote missing work on the board. Turns out, some of them had actually 'lost' their papers. I use quotation marks because nine times out of ten the missing paper shows up in a desk or a crate or a backpack even though the kid has assured me multiple times, "No, it's not in there; I checked!" The 5th grade boys are really bad about that. At least five times this morning I got told, "Miss H, I can't find my..." I usually look at them with a blank face and say, "Well, I don't know where it is."

They're never really sure how to react when I tell them that. I do remind them to check their WIP folders (work in progress) and all the other usual places. And once they look a little harder they find the papers one of those places. One kid actually did lose his spelling paper from last week. It's nowhere to be found. He had to rewrite the worksheet from scratch (it wasn't that long). He didn't fuss too much about it, but at one point while he wrote out the sentences he asked why he couldn't just make a copy. Ooo! Teachable moment!

Well, would it teach you anything to just be able to make a copy? No? This way, you have to deal with the consequences. And I'm guessing next time you'll keep track of your papers better. He definitely agreed!

On a totally different subject, did you hear that Dorothy's ruby slippers have been found? There were multiple pairs of slippers made for the movie, four of which are known to exist. The fourth pair was stolen 13 years ago from the Judy Garland museum in Minnesota (on loan from a private owner). One night someone broke in, smashed the display case, and walked off with the slippers. They hadn't been seen since. A few years ago someone put a million dollar reward out there for anyone who would find the slippers, but no one came forward. One of my kids had heard that the slippers appeared on an estate sale and that's how they'd been found. The article I read said the FBI in Minneapolis didn't release any details about the location they were found at.

I have a pair of ruby red flats with sparkly bows on the top, and I happened to wear them today. During Daily 5 when we sat in our circle in the reading corner one of the 5th graders commented, "Hey! I found Dorothy's slippers!"

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