Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Blast from the Past

This week is our home basketball tournament, and with it comes the annual tournament dress up days. Yesterday was PJ Day (I forgot to dress up, oh well). Today was "Blast from the Past" Day. I dressed up as myself from about 15 years ago... I wore a St. Paul's Lutheran tshirt, put my hair in a ponytail, and dug out my favorite pair of jeans from high school. I remember sewing a heart patch over the first rip in the knees. Then the other knee ripped out and I used green thread to stitch it back together. Eventually I couldn't keep up with the rips and I stopped trying. Yes, I still have them, even though they're holey and falling apart. They were my favorite! I couldn't throw them away! And besides, the holes look so trendy!

Tomorrow is Class Color Day. 5/6 is gray and blue. I've got a ton of those colors in my closet, so I don't have to think too hard about that. It's been snowing since 11am and the after school events got cancelled. A bunch of my kids are predicting no school tomorrow. Eh, I'm skeptical. Unless the wind comes up; then the fluffy stuff will blow around. We'll see!

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