Monday, April 27, 2020


Guess what... only 20 days of school left!

For those of you just joining me on the countdown, here's some backstory: Back when I was in 5-6th grade, to countdown to the end of the school year my favorite teacher would draw a picture on the board every day for us to find how many days were left. Since my normal end of the year balloon activity countdown is kind of lame from a distance, I decided to do the picture countdown with my kids.

I emailed Mrs. W to find out where she got her ideas from, or even if she remembered doing the pictures. She remembers! But she doesn't remember the specifics; she said she made them up every night. So, I contacted my old Lutheran school classmates to see if they remembered any of the pictures (it wasn't as hard as it sounds... Facebook is a wonderful thing). They remembered how fun it was but they didn't remember pictures.

So. I made a post in the Lutheran Educator's page to see if any of them had bright ideas. One person recommended checking out Lunchtime Doodles with Mo Willems (author/illustrator of the Pigeon books) since he doodles the date as part of the video. Excellent. Some of those videos were helpful, others not. He only did 15 episodes, but I did get some good ideas from him.

I got excited about the project as I came up with ideas for each number, so I began to draw. And message my sister about which drawings she wanted to do. And draw. And message my sister some more. And draw. And eventually I drew 18/20 of the drawings! All that are left are #10 and #15. If my sister doesn't get working on the drawings, I just might end up drawing all of them. I'm impressed with myself; I didn't think they would turn out as good as they did!

See if you can spot the number...

And stay tuned for further pictures! 

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