Thursday, April 30, 2020


This week we started a new read-aloud book, Where the Red Fern Grows, a book I haven't read since 5th or 6th grade. I remember my teacher making us read the last few chapters of the book on our own because she was going to cry if we read it together. I remember thinking, "This book is not sad, I don't see what she was so worried about..." And then the end comes. Yep. I sobbed my little heart out as I read the pages. But I still liked the book!

So, now we're reading it. My class is not big on historical fiction, and this isn't technically historical fiction, but it's set in the past. I wasn't sure if they'd like it as much as other books we've read this year... Today, though, I discovered that they are indeed liking it.

My Microsoft Teams app has been crashing at least 2-4 times per class in the morning. Highly annoying. My class just waits for me to jump back on and we try to pick up where we left off. Today, I was in the middle of a paragraph about a fight Billy had with a town kid (who had picked on his new puppy) when I got kicked off. Once I rejoined the call, two boys told me exactly where I had left off, just in case I hadn't noticed. Huh, I guess they are paying attention. We also went a little over our hour long class time and no one made any mention of that... Good. I bet enough of them have connections to hunting/farming/dogs that they're into it.

One negative side effect of reading this book, particularly the part describing Billy's new puppies, is that I really want a puppy now!!!

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