Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Back At It

I forgot to post last Tuesday. After school that day I had a bunch of calls (three were to coach Mr. E through his Zoom meetings... principal, board of ed, and scheduling another meeting). Another was for Mrs. E to coach her through attaching our school's weekly newsletter to a message to parents. And finally I had a meeting of my own to attend, a virtual IEP meeting for one of my students (IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan). After the meeting, the parent wanted to talk (her child might go to the public school next year...but their family hasn't decided yet. The parent asked for prayers for wisdom to know what's best on where to send the student). So. In all that chatter I forgot to post! And then we had a nice, long Easter break.

I did a lot of baking over break: kombucha, fruit roll ups, Portuguese Easter bread, hot cross buns, Bible bread (a recipe for bread the widow of Zaraphath would've made... basically a flatbread. It didn't taste the best; I should've put salt in! The recipe came from our bible study book.), monster cookies, rice crispy bars, muscle bars (kind of like Special K bars but with Cheerios and no chocolate on top), French toast. I think that's it. I also read a lot of books over break too.

Today was our first day back. I was hoping some students would use break to get caught up on late homework. Only a few did as far as I can tell. There was a drop day on Friday and I had a good number of assignments handed in, but definitely not everything that has been assigned. Now I have more papers to correct. Hopefully I will get them done faster than it took me to grade the last batch. My intention is to correct a bunch over breakfast tomorrow, but that will involve me going to bed on time and waking up on time. This virtual school makes it very tempting to stay up late and get up late since I don't have to be to school so early!

One cool thing we did at 'school' today was the biome projects. Finally. They have been working on powerpoint presentations about the world's biomes (the different climates/habitats in the world: desert, rainforest, tundra, etc.). They were supposed to present them the middle of March, but that's right when we switched to virtual school. Since I didn't know how long we'd be at virtual school, I put off their presentations, but now it's been long enough. So, two groups presented today. They can share their screens with the class and teach us what they learned. Both presentations were good! One group forgot to include tourist information, so I said they could add that to earn back some points. So far they haven't turned it in yet. I thought I told them to turn it in to me by tomorrow, but I can't remember if I actually said that. I suppose I should give them a firm due date. We'll have two more presentations tomorrow and two more on Thursday.

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