Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Technical Difficulties

Day Two of biome presentations. It didn't go as smoothly today, mostly because the first group presenting couldn't figure out how to share their screen. Then when they could figure out how to share their screen, they couldn't figure out how to get to the powerpoint they wanted. Eventually we had the second group present theirs while the first group regrouped. By the end of the Temperate Rainforest group, my Arctic presenters were ready... or so they said.

The kid who had the presentation ready suddenly had his computer totally crash. Thankfully, his brother is in my class, so he took over his brother's computer to present (he had the powerpoint saved on a flashdrive). Finally they presented. It took us an hour to do two presentations that would normally take about 10 minutes each (in the classroom). To compare, yesterday's presenters took about 25 minutes total.

But we powered through and none of their classmates complained about how long it was taking, so I'll count that as a victory! Only one more day of presentations and I'm sure it will go much smoother tomorrow.

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