Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Field Trip Day

Fridays in 'real' school are usually a bit more lax. Today in our virtual school, it was a bit of the same. We spent some time scheduling individual meetings of students (saying memory work, meeting for Daily 5, etc.). I realized today that I connect with students either one on one or in a small group (three or less) at least three times a week: Monday with spelling, Friday for Memory, and once during the week for Daily 5. I'm so thankful for technology that lets me connect with my students! It makes the day pass quickly. I think I'd be a lot more lonely if I couldn't meet with them.

Other things we did during our Friday morning meeting: read devotions, asked for prayer requests/did a special prayer, did highs/lows for the day, had a short religion lesson, and did read-aloud. All in one hour!

After that I met with students followed by our first Friday Field Trip. One of my 5th grade boys volunteered to show us his farm via video. It went much better than I expected! The video was blurry sometimes and our connections weren't great today (not the best weather), but we could hear everything and see most things. After a forty minute tour of the main farm, one of the 6th grade farmer boys asked if we could see their pig barn which is on a different site. They agreed, and I told the class if they didn't want to stick around to see the pig barn, they could go. Most of them were tired of looking at machinery, so only four (including me) stayed for the pig barn. It was neat to compare it to my family's barn! Theirs was built within the past two years, so theirs is more confined and high tech. They don't have autosorters though!

My favorite part of the tour was a question from a 6th grade girl (about the dairy heifers), "Do you ever bathe the cows?"

A long pause, then the 5th grade tour guide answered, somewhat hesitantly, "Uh... just during the fair."

Her follow up question was how bathing a cow works. A few of the 4-H boys in my class chimed in with their experience. It was great!

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