Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Yesterday I got a whole bunch of cards in the mail for my birthday (which is today). I saved reading them for this morning over breakfast. I didn't have any papers to correct! Last night, Mrs. B dropped off a cooler of food for me for supper tonight so I don't have to cook: spaghetti hotdish, salad, strawberries/grapes, lemonade, sparkling water, and a piece of pie. Plus she gave me a daisy plant. Such a thoughtful lady! 

At school today I discovered the entryway to my classroom had been decorated by Mrs. E. She hung up balloons and made a Happy Birthday poster. Then I found a plate of cookies (packed with chocolate chips), some crocheted dish rags, and a card in my mailbox in the office. 

My kids found out it was my birthday (probably from the Remind message sent out to the school by the Es) and wished me a happy day. The 7-8th graders actually sang for me when we met for class! That is not an easy feat over video: usually the sound lags and you sing slower and slower and slower to try to keep the same pace as everyone. They did very well considering! 

Still sad that I don't get to physically be with loved ones, but technology is helping. I have a few virtual hangouts planned with friends and sisters later today. So, even with social distancing, it has been a pretty good day. 

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