Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Book Character Day

I was the moose from If You Give a Moose a Muffin today. The other teachers were: if you give a mouse a cookie, a cat a cupcake, a dog a donut, and a pig a pancake. None of my students dressed up. A few 7-8th graders did. I didn't see any kids from other classrooms to know if they did or not.

Our special activity for the day was playing games. Mrs. L shared a game with us called Snake Oil. It's kind of like Apples to Apples, except there is one consumer (like a pro-wrestler, beach bum, fashion model, etc.) and the rest of the group uses cards to make a product that would fit that kind of consumer. So you could have products like: lightning hammer, juice cup, tax clock, or food puppet. Then the salesmen try to convince the consumer to buy their specific product. It was hilarious to hear what my students came up with! 

The weather was beautiful today. We played Wagon Wheel at recess, which involves a lot of running. I forgot my tennis shoes at home and played in my flats. My feet will probably be sore tomorrow. It was so nice, we all ended up without jackets on. 

At the end of recess, parents were driving in the parking lot, so my class migrated off the blacktop. They took a walk through the kickball field. Normally, not a bad idea. Today... very soggy. The ground is saturated with melting snow and splashed if they walked too fast. Oops. No one wore boots, so they ended up with very wet feet. Still, recess ended up being their high of the day!

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