Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Rainin' Men (and Hail)

Yesterday after school was out, a guy installed a new copier at school. He was young, tall, and good-looking, so of course everyone thought I should ask him on a date. I did not. This morning, we discovered he'd left his ID behind. Then came the suggestions that I should be the one to return it to him... oh boy. 🙄

The 5-6th graders' chat with my marine friend went even better than yesterday's chat with the 7-8th graders. He'd sent me some videos and pictures ahead of time so I could screen share (that made things go much smoother), and my class had come up with a few questions we'd written on the board ahead of time. Turns out, even more questions came to my students on the fly so we didn't need the others! My kids are quite good at questioning. 

The only awkward moment came at the way end when I asked if they had any other last questions for him before we went to recess... Two sixth graders exchanged a look and said, "Should we do it?" Oh boy. My teacher senses tingled on high alert. I had an inkling what they wanted to ask and I felt my cheeks flush. Sometimes, masks are a good thing!

They giggled at each other and shyly bounced back and forth, "I don't know... maybe... yes... okay, you do it... I don't want to! You!" I gave them my best teacher look and said, "If there's any doubt if it's appropriate or not, you probably better not ask it." 

They looked at each other one more time, and the girl said, "[the boy student] has a question for you!" 
"What?! No, you ask it!"
"Fine, [the boy student] wants to know if we can cancel art today."
Cue a whiparound look of shock from the boy in question and myself (also a jolt of relief). Not what I'd expected. My marine friend was obviously confused as well.
The boy said, "What? Why did you ask that? You totally wasted the question!"

They looked like they were about to ask the real question, so I cut them off and sent the class outside for recess and ended the call with my marine friend. It was misty outside, so my students came back inside after a few minutes, saying they'd decided to stay outside until the four-square ball bounced in the mud. It had, so now they were back inside. It wasn't our turn in the gym, but the mist lifted after another few minutes, and we went out and played tag in the wagon-wheel circle painted in the center of the blacktop, far away from the mud.

As we played outside, we heard thunder rumbling in the clouds. It rained on and off for the rest of the afternoon, and at one point it even hailed pea-sized hail! It's warm enough everything melted and nothing was damaged as far as I could tell. 

I'm guessing you're wondering what the question was my students were too scared to ask about... Well, a while ago, a parent shared that according to her daughter, all the 5-6th graders think my marine friend and I are dating (we are not). I'm pretty sure that's what they were going to ask about! 😳

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