Monday, March 1, 2021

PJ Day

National Lutheran Schools' Week kickoff day! We started our week with the ever popular pajama day. I have a Habitat meeting tonight, but my pajama pants are so comfy, I can't decide if I am going to change into jeans or not... We'll see. 

Our special activity of the day was playing an all-school Kahoot. It was really only 1-8 that played, but we all had fun. The Kahoot I had made didn't take too long, so afterwards we played a second one. That game was from the 5-8th graders' end of year party last year, so some of the questions were familiar to them. A lot were "whose desk is this? which classroom is this in?", just basic school stuff associated with our school. 

The 1st graders played on one device but the 2nd graders each got to have their own! They did really well! The 3-4th graders did the same, although, if they had their own device they got to play individually. 

My classroom is down one student. He and his brothers/their family are skiing in Colorado for the whole week. He was bummed to miss read-aloud, so he asked if we'd record read-aloud time this week so he can watch it later. Sure. Why not? It's easy enough to do. We're quickly approaching the climax of the book, and I have a feeling my kids are going to make me finish it tomorrow...

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